On December 10, on the basis of the physics and technical faculty of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, a methodical association of teachers of the natural sciences of the Delatyn united territorial community was held

The program of the event included acquaintance with the work and achievements of the faculty, a tour of the physical laboratories and a seminar-training “Cloud Technologies in the Work of the Natural Sciences Teacher”. Teachers’ attention and discussion of topical issues of modern natural education, in particular, the results of PISA testing and the possibility of STEAM technologies were not overlooked. It is worth noting the genuine interest of educators in digital applications that can be used to increase the level of methodical work, work with student youth, gathering and timely processing of information and more.

Participants and organizers of the seminar received interesting experience, new knowledge and positive emotions.

P.S. We are grateful to the PNU-EcoSystem Center for Innovative Educational Technologies for the opportunity.