Volodymyr Klanichka

Ph.D (Physics and Mathematics),


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Born January 28, 1949 in the village. Long Tysmenets district of Ivano-Frankivsk region. He graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Ivano-Frankivsk Pedagogical Institute in 1969. Worked as a teacher of physics at the Krasnoilovsk Secondary School of Verkhovyna District, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. Studied in postgraduate studies since 1970. until 1973 at the Department of X-ray Metallophysics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. In 1973 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Since 1973 – Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Deputy Dean, since 1982 – Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Since 1991 – Head of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the University. In (2003-2004) – Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the Carpathian University. Vasily Stefanik. Since 2004 – Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences of Carpathian National University. Vasily Stefanik.

During the period of work of the Dean of the Faculty, the Director of the Institute showed great organizational skills in the opening and formation of university specialties: physics, mathematics, chemistry, radiophysics and electronics, fine arts, drawing and art work, finance and credit, accounting and audit, which were formed on the basis of -Maghematical Faculty. Under his leadership, new departments were opened and successfully operating – theoretical and experimental physics, agrochemistry and soil science, forestry, etc. Modern computer laboratories, educational-methodical offices, new scientific-research laboratories on perspective directions of natural sciences are equipped, scientific-educational-industrial complex is created, which integrates the activity of the Institute of natural sciences, enterprises, educational establishments of I and II levels of accreditation, gymnasiums , the Lyceum of the region in the training of qualified specialists. For merit in the development of higher education, he was awarded the Honorary President of Ukraine, the Order “For Merit” III degree. Scientific interests of prof. Klanichki VM are in the field of fluid physics, physics and technology of thin semiconductor films, solid state chemistry. He has published more than 90 scientific papers, including monographs and textbooks, patents.

He is a permanent member and co-chair of the organizing committees of eleven international scientific conferences on thin film physics and technology, which are periodically held at the university and known in the scientific community.

Prof. Klonichka VM is the chairman of the scientific and methodological commission on physics of the universities of Ukraine. He is actively involved in the development of higher education standards – educational and qualification characteristics, educational and professional training programs for bachelor of physics, as a member of the working group on the development of industry standards of higher education in the field of “Physics”.

Scientific secretary of the specialized council for the protection of PhD theses in the specialties “Physics and chemistry of the surface”, “” Chemistry of solids “, responsible secretary for the issue of the All-Ukrainian scientific journal” Physics and chemistry of solids “.

1. Розсіювання носіїв заряду  в плівках n-PbS, Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. – 2004 – Т. 5, № 1. – С. 106-112. Кланічка В.М., Калитчук І.В.

2. Методи вимірювання теплопровідності напівпровідникових матеріалів, Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. – 2004 – Т. 5, № 1. – С. 173-191. Д.М. Фреїк, Кланічка В.М., Р.Я. Михайльонка

3. Рухливість носіїв заряду і механізми їх розсіювання в плівках сулфіду свинцю. Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. – 2004 – Т. 5, № 2. – С. 302-307. Д.М. Фреїк, Кланічка В.М., І.В.Калитчук, Б.С.Дзунза

4. Енергія Фермі халькогенідів свинцю у моделях енергетичних зон Кейна-Діммока та вирогдження носіїв. Фізика і хімія твердого тіла. – 2004 – Т. 5, № 2. – С. 307-317. Кланічка В.М. Л.І. Никируй, А.В.Лисак, С.А.Галігузова

5. Degradation of structure and physical properties of AIVBVI compounds films under the influence of external factors. Матеріали ХІІ1 Межнародної конференції з фізики і технології тонких плівок наносистем. – Т.2. – 16-21 травня 2011 р. – Івано-Франківськ. – C. 478], Klanichka V.M., Klanichka Yu.V.,  Mezhylovska L.Yo., Zukowski P.

6. Influence of surface layers on electrical properties semiconductor structures in Petrits’ model. Матеріали ХІІ1 Межнародної конференції з фізики і технології тонких плівок наносистем. – Т.2. – 16-21 травня 2011 р. – Івано-Франківськ. – C. 439] Klanichka V.M., Klanichka Yu.V., Yavorskiy Ya.S.,  Klanichka V.M., Yavorskiy R.S.


1. Thermodynamics and statistical physics.
2. Electronic phenomena in solids
3. Physical bases of information technologies
4. Astrophysics and physics of the atmosphere
5. Methods of teaching natural sciences (physics)
6. Methodology of physical research
7. Computer technology in physics
8. Methods of teaching physics and astronomy in schools

E-mail: volodymyr.klanichka@pnu.edu.ua
Тел:  +38(0342)596155
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника
ауд.116, вул.Шевченка, 57, м. Івано-Франківськ, 76025, Україна