Ivan Klymyshyn

Dr. Sci. (Physics and Mathematics),


Personal informationMain publicationsActivityContacts

Born in Kutiska village (Ternopil region). He graduated from Lviv University in 1955, and in 1958 – postgraduate studies at this university. In 1958–1974 he worked at the Observatory of Lviv University (since 1961 – head of the department, in 1962–1970 – deputy director of scientific work). Since 1974 – Professor of the Ivano-Frankivsk Pedagogical Institute. Now he is a professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Precarpathian University and at the same time a professor at the Theological Academy of the UGCC in Ivano-Frankivsk.

The main scientific works relate to radiation space gas dynamics. To characterize the state of the gas, taking into account the isotropic radiation field, we introduced a gas-dynamic adiabatic index, which significantly simplified the determination of parameter jumps at the shock wave front. He obtained approximate solutions to the problem of the structure of stellar shock waves, gave an estimate of the length of the zone of ionization relaxation at the front and the zone of warming up before the front of the shock wave moving in the stellar atmosphere. Derived the formula for the altitude scale, which is set in the atmosphere of the star under the action of a periodic shock wave. Together with VI Gnatik, he obtained an asymptotic formula that describes the change in the velocity of the shock wave in a nonuniform medium with an arbitrary density distribution, and studied the limits of applicability of approximate methods of cosmic gas dynamics. Performed an analysis of the efficiency of heat waves as a possible mechanism for the transfer of energy released during an explosion in the bowels of vision. Together with SA Kaplan, he obtained a number of solutions to the theory of non-stationary scattering of light in a medium with a moving boundary.

He is the author of a number of monographs and popular books, including “Shockwaves in Heterogeneous Environments” (1972), “Astronomy of Our Days” (1976), “Astronomy of Yesterday and Today” (1976), “Relativistic Astronomy” (1980), ” Calendar and Chronology (1981), Shock Waves in Star Covers (1984), Scientists Find God (2010)

From 1980 he headed the Special Issue Group on Astronomy at the Astronomical Council of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

He participated in the preparation of dictionaries and directories of astronomy: “School Astronomical Reference” (1990), “Astronomical Encyclopedic Dictionary” (2003).

Asteroid 3653 Klimyshyn, discovered in 1979 by Mykola Chernykh, is named after the scientist.

Author of 75 monographs, textbooks and popular science books on astronomy.
In particular:

1. «Ударные волны в неоднородных средах» (1972);
2. «Астрономия наших дней» (1976);
3. «Астрономия вчера и сегодня» (1976);
4. «Релятивистская астрономия» (1980);
5. «Календарь и хронология» (1981);
6. «Ударные волны в оболочках звезд» (1984).


1. Astronomy
2. Astrophysics
3. Methods of astrophysical research
4. Star and extragalactic astronomy
5. Fundamentals of Planetology
6. The structure and evolution of the universe

E-mail: ivan.klymyshyn@pnu.edu.ua
Tel: +38(0342)596182
Vasyl-Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
room 116
57, Shevchenko Str.
76025, Ivan0-Frankivsk, Ukraine